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Why Work?

Years ago I worked at an agency (they actually did not like to use that term, and preferred “company” to distinguish them from they competition that they derided as “advertising agencies”) that specialized in customer loyalty and employee motivation programs.

As employees we had the opportunity (actually we were required) to attend a presentation by the agency’s corporate expert in motivation.

During the first part of his presentation, his overriding concept was that people only work for the rewards that they get. This principle was the premise of the agency’s business model.

During a break I approached the speaker and asked him, “What about people who are internally, personally driven to do exceptional work? People who work for the intrinsic reward of a job well done?”

“What is it that you do in the company,” the speaker asked me.

“I am a senior art director,” I replied.

“Oh,” he said with a shake of his head. “That explains it. You creatives are not like real people.”

I absolutely disagreed with the “expert.” People want to do excellent work.

It was very satisfying to read the blog post of Dan Pink on this very subject. (

He confirmed what I thought back then, and still do.

Enable the pursuit of excellence, and you will not be disappointed.

BTW, I eventually left that company for a real agency.

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